Latest version.
  • Ord. No. Date Passed Description
    3 4-5-56 Authorizing Commonwealth Edison Company to construct, operate and maintain an electric light and power system.
    28 7-2-57 Granting the Illinois Bell Telephone Company the right to construct and operate general telephone business.
    34 4-3-56 Authorizing Northern Illinois Gas Company to construct, operate and maintain a gas distributing system.
    118 10-24-60 Granting to Weathersfield Utilities, Inc., a franchise to construct, operate and maintain a water works and water distribution system.
    119 11-1-60 Granting to Weathersfield Utilities, Inc., a franchise to construct, operate and maintain a sewerage disposal plant and a sanitary sewer system. (Amended by Ord. 159)
    158 11-9-61 Amending Ord. No. 118.
    159 11-9-61 Amending Ord. No. 119.
    234 9-10-63 Amending Ord. No. 118.
    235 9-10-63 Amending Ord. No. 119.
    284 1-5-65 Amending Ord. No. 28.
    435 9-12-67 Granting certain rights to American Fire and Safety Bureau, Inc., regarding the installation of an alarm control system in the village police station.
    563 7-24-69 Amending Ord. No. 28.
    2449 12-11-84 Amending Ord. No. 28.
    2676 8-26-86 Exclusive license to install and maintain a computerized alarm system. (Repealed by Ord. No. 97-26)
    2899 12-15-87 Approving an amended cable television franchise agreement.
    90-132 10-23-90 Amending Ord. No. 2900.
    92-92 8-11-92 Authorizing Commonwealth Edison Company to construct, operate and maintain an electric system.
    93-26 2-9-93 Granting the franchise to Chicago Fiber Optic Corporation, d/b/a Metropolitan Fiber System of Chicago, Inc.
    93-138 10-26-93 Prescribing regulations for rates charged to cable television subscribers for the basic service tier.
    94-128 11-15-94 Regarding cable television rate regulation for Telenois, Inc. for the period of September 1, 1993 through July 14, 1994.
    95-107 9-25-95 Authorizing franchise agreement with MCImetro Access Transmission Services, Inc.
    95-125 11-14-95 Establishing provisions for grant of franchises for television systems and providing for the regulation of such systems in the village.
    95-139 11-14-95 Establishing provisions for grant of franchises and licenses for telecommunication services and providing for regulation of such systems in the village. (Repealed by Ord. No. 97-128)
    97-67 6-24-97 Authorizes franchise agreement with AT&T corporation.
    97-100  8-26-97 Authorizes franchise agreement with Illinois Bell Telephone Company
    97-107  9-23-97 Imposes municipal telecommunications infrastructure maintenance fee
    97-128 11-11-97 Establishing provisions for grant of franchises for television systems and providing for the regulation of such systems in the village (Repealed by Ord. No. 98-62)
    97-129 11-11-97 Approving franchise agreement between Ameritech New Media, Inc. and the village for the installation and operation of a cable television system
    98-62  6- 9-98 Establishing provisions for grant of franchises for television systems and providing for the regulation of such systems in the village
    98-116 10-27-1998 Amending franchise agreement between Ameritech New Media, Inc. and the village for the installation and operation of a cable television system.
    98-142 11-10-1998 Approving a use agreement between Metricom, Inc. and the village for the installation and operation of a wireless digital data communications radio network within the village.
    06-66  4-11-2006 Consenting to the change of control of the cable franchisee from WideoOpenWest Holdings, LLC to Racecar Acquisition, LLC.
    09-132 11-24-2009 Authorizing execution of the Illinois public works mutual aid network agreement (IPWMAN).
    14-002  1-14-2013 Cable television franchise agreement with Comcast of Illinois XI, LLC.
    16-016  2- 9-2016 Natural gas franchise agreement with Northern Illinois Gas Company (Nicor Gas Company)
    R-17-034  3-28-2017 Authorizes agreement with Dynegy, Inc., electrical aggregation services
    R-17-043  4-11-2017 Authorizes master retail natural gas supply agreement with Constellation New Energy